Use Astrocartography To Plan Your Next Vacation

There are several lines on your astrocartography map that can guide you to your next vacation. It’s one way of deciding where to go next. 

Astrocartography is based on your birth date, time, and location. It’s like your birth chart but for location. Based on where the sun, moon, and planets were when you were born, you’re likely to feel different in various places.

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Here’s a walk-through of each of the lines and what your vacation might bring up while you’re there

  • If you’re looking for luck, follow your Jupiter line. Everything just flows here. 
  • If you’re looking for a romantic getaway, follow your Venus line. Not a great line for solo trips, but as a couple, you’ll appreciate each other more than anywhere else. 
  • If you’re on a creative vacation, go with the Mercury line. This is the line of communication and thoughts. It’s a great line for work retreats and artist workshops. 
  • The Mars line may not be ideal for vacation, but if you’re ramping up your ambition this is your destination. This is the line of masculine energy and Mars likes to fight and compete so plan well to make the best of it. 
  • Uranus has a spicy rebellion. If you’re looking to shake things up, this is your line.
  • Neptune is the line of spiritual energy. This is definitely a getaway destination because you don’t want to be here too long. It will likely stir up some emotion so you can heal and make whatever changes come next. 
  • Pluto is your line for a personal growth getaway. Just remember that Pluto doesn’t take prisoners and change is its only objective. If you’re stuck, this could be a good choice but don’t say you haven’t been warned. 
  • Pluto is your line for a personal growth getaway. Just remember that Pluto doesn’t take prisoners and change is its only objective. If you’re stuck, this could be a good choice but don’t say you haven’t been warned. 
  • The Chiron line isn’t an obvious choice but it does help with healing. It also teaches you how to care for others. 
  • If you want a vacation where you’re comfortable in your own skin and know yourself more than ever before, then follow your sun line. It might give you a sense of notoriety too. There’s often a parental connection here, yours or being one, so decide if that’s the right mode for your getaway before you go. 
  • Your Moon line is where your emotions and instincts will reign. You’ll be sensitive and likely more nurturing here so it can be a lovely vacation line for connecting with yourself and others. 

Use astrocartography to find the best vacation spot for what you have in mind

For the person who doesn’t like to leave anything to chance, astrocartography is a helpful vacation planning tool. Wherever you go, be sure to enjoy all the gifts, expected or not, that it has for you. 

Find your Astrocartography at  You’ll need your birth date, time, and location.