The Spiritual Experience Of Tulum

Four months after my father died, I went to Tulum. I’d experienced loss before and remembered the jarring realization that life would never be the same. This time, I wanted to accept it. Let it change me instead of trying to get back to any idea of normal. I wanted a spiritual experience and Tulum offered it.

There are tons of articles about what to do in Tulum so I’m not bothering to list them here. Although I found this Roam & Thrive article about where to stay in Tulum particularly helpful.

Tulum is an energy vortex

That concentration of energy attracts both healers and those in need of healing. It’s primed for a spiritual experience and most people get one. I did. We flew into Cancun and drove from there. As soon as we arrived, the vibration was noticeably different. There were signs for healing practices and workshops up and down the strip. 

Try a mix of workshops in Tulum to get the most healing

My friends and I dove in and tried several things. We went to sessions in BioDynamic breathwork, love languages, yoga, clay massage, sound healing, cacao ceremonies, and more breathwork. The mix brought out my anger, loneliness, grief, and finally dropped me into a deep, healing place where I could receive the entire spiritual experience Tulum had to offer. In cacao ceremonies, I had visions that delivered a message that helped me release some of the sadness I was holding.

Tulum is a community of healing

Being around so many people invested in healing makes it much easier to open up and feel everything happening inside because you’re not alone. Healers that had lived in the U.S. talked about recovering from a head-based way of living to embrace a heart-based one. In one breathwork class, I met someone else who’d lost her father. She was there with her mother to recognize that another chapter of their lives was possible. We hugged in solidarity while we cried. 

Loss is a transformation of its own but the healing power of Tulum supports it

The spiritual experience Tulum creates is a place for transformation. And if you need healing, it’s a place that can provide it. I was able to hold my feelings of loss and appreciate the beauty in the world. Tulum is a place that allows for both.

A lantern and palm tree at night on the beach at Nomade Resort is a spiritual experience in Tulum.

Best tips for getting the most out of your spiritual experience in Tulum

  • Go at a time you can really let go
    Don’t plan to work while you’re there. But even if you do, Tulum will find a way of getting you to unplug. I didn’t take any work calls but my friends did and they stopped after an intense breathwork session because they felt so present. For the first time in a long time, they felt work could wait until they returned. 
  • Attend workshops and healing sessions
    Whether they’re at your hotel or anywhere else in Tulum, attend as many as your heart desires. All the healers I met were experts in their craft and they were living in this vibration full time. They can help bring out whatever is meant for you while you’re there.
  • Create time for silence
    Reserve some time to be alone. It can be sitting in a beach chair, by a pool, or in the sand. Wherever it is, slow down and wait for Tulum to speak to you. It’s no coincidence you’re there so find the time to really listen. Take the lesson with you, whether you need to write it down or just sit and absorb it.
  • Jump in the water
    The warm ocean waves are magical. Water matches your emotional energy and washes away what’s too heavy. After all those healing sessions, the Caribbean is your salve.    
  • Take the lessons with you
    As you leave, breathe in all that Tulum taught you and take it into your daily life when you get home. Whether that’s daily breath work, a yoga routine, or meditation. Make the intention to preserve it and keep that spiritual experience moving. 

Whatever Tulum brings you, will stay with you.

Whether Tulum brings you subtle change or a dramatic shift, it’s an energy that will help you look within for spiritual guidance and bring you closer to yourself. Return to that vibration whenever you can because once you’ve experienced it, it’s part of you.