Privacy Policy

Some of the content on is free to our visitors and does not require the collection of any personally identifiable information. This site only collects personal information from our visitors on a voluntary basis. By accessing this website our visitors can experience the content free of charge.

At we are committed to protecting your online privacy and the safety of all our website visitors. We do not require our visitors to disclose more information than is reasonably necessary to participate in an activity. The following policy describes how collects, protects, and uses information it receives from visitors to the website. We recognize the importance of adhering to the highest standards of decency, fairness and integrity in the operation of this website and are committed to providing quality online activities and information to all visitors.

Please check back from time to time as we may amend our privacy policy to cover those activities that may be offered in the future. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change or modify this privacy policy, with such changes or modifications becoming effective immediately upon the posting thereof. Your continued use of this site following the posting of changes and/or modifications will constitute your acceptance of our revised privacy policy.

Remember, never give out your full name, home address, email address, telephone number, or any other personally identifiable information that would allow any other online user to contact you either online or offline.

Reminder for Parents: encourages children to consult with their parents before submitting any information to any website, including However, we believe parents should be involved in the online activities of their children and suggest that parents do their best to provide their children with a safe and friendly online environment.