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Practice Your Psychic Boundaries in Intuitive Readings

Unwanted energy can drain you and steer you in the wrong direction. In an intuitive reading, it can throw you off course quickly. But with some strong psychic boundaries, you can protect yourself and the integrity of your reading.

Boundaries can be particularly hard for empaths and highly sensitive people. If that’s you, here’s a guide on how to create strong boundaries specifically for you.

Four ways to practice strong psychic boundaries

  1. Know you can decide what you receive and what you give. While intuition can feel otherworldly, it’s important to remember that it all comes through you. You can decide what to accept and reject.
  1. Ground yourself before you begin. Check in with yourself before you start. Meditate even for a moment. Reading intuition from a calm, grounded place helps ensure your information is accurate and not clouded by any attachments. It also gives you space to reinforce your energy. 
  1. Reject any unwanted energies by holding your boundary. If you feel unwanted energy, stay grounded and tell it to leave. By asserting your boundary, you acknowledge that it’s not a part of you and that you control what enters your space and what doesn’t. Don’t continue the reading until the energy has gone. Once it leaves, ground yourself again and reinforce your boundaries with clear energy and continue your reading. 
  1. Always close your energy at the end of a reading. Make sure you don’t bring any energy from a reading into your own. Draw a very clear line around your energy at the end. Say thank you and ground your personal energy. Expand it to the edges of your boundaries to make sure it’s all yours. Thank the guides who helped you with the reading and dismiss them. 

When you protect your boundaries, you’re a better intuitive

Boundaries allow you to preserve your energy and give clearer readings to your clients. If you’re drained after readings, strengthening your boundaries can help. It can be difficult to learn at first but you’ll feel better, provide more accurate information, and be ready for the next client. When you keep your boundaries strong, you keep your vibration high.