twenty dollar bills under a magnifying glass. Photo by noelle otto on pexels.

Manifest Money By Not Thinking About Money

It’s entirely possible to manifest money, but just like all manifesting, you have to stop thinking about it. Think about your life instead. Shift your mindset and get in touch with your goals and your emotions.

Abundance is something we live, not something we get.

Limiting beliefs hold you back

Most of us have limiting beliefs about ourselves. It’s those beliefs that keep us from acting. And action is a crucial part of any manifesting. When you call in more money, you have to take steps toward it. If those steps are based on love, receiving, and trust, then you’ll break through the limiting beliefs to create new thoughts that lead to abundance. As someone once told me, if you can’t think a good thought, just think a slightly better thought. It’s all about going in the right direction and breaking the limiting belief habit.

Lighten your hold on money thoughts

If you lighten your thoughts and raise your vibration, your fears about money can disappear. Eventually, you’ll even be able to see there’s money around you and it’s available to you too. You might not take everything so personally. It’s a rallying cry for all aspects of life. The more you move with the flow of abundance, the more you can appreciate that life has a way of working out, and maybe you don’t have to be a multi-millionaire to enjoy it. 

Test the waters with small asks

Get in the mindset of abundance by asking for small things. If you’re going to manifest money by not thinking about money, you’re going to need to think about something else. Ask for a step in the right direction, maybe a job lead, a compliment, or something small that can easily come up in your day. When you ask for what you want and let go of any ego around it, what you receive nudges you in the right direction. I was working on manifesting abundance once and tested out each day with a different ask. One day I asked for flowers. It was the end of the day and I’d completely forgotten about it when my partner brought flowers into the kitchen. I expected to receive flowers, which I should have been specific about if that’s what was important, but sometimes what we ask for shows up in a different way from what we expected. That’s worth celebrating too.

Watch for synchronicities

Whenever you start manifesting, answers roll in. Synchronicites are part of that answer. Trust that each one is directly related to your goal when you’re focused on calling something in. When you’re calling in abundance, the synchronicities will show the way to it.

Money is abundance

Don’t forget money is abundance. Nothing is separate from the feelings it creates. When you manifest money, know what you’re really looking for. Are you looking for safety? Maybe you’re looking for a certain feeling or experience. Call that in too, or call it in instead. When you call money in, you can call in an exact amount or abundance itself. Then face your limiting beliefs, stay close to your feelings, take the steps toward your goals, watch for synchronicities, and know that what’s meant for you can’t be stopped.