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Improve Your Money Energy

If you want a better money situation, don’t lead with your ego. If you want a better money situation, don’t lead with your ego. Think of what you need in a practical next step and let go. Once you do that, take steps forward with an improved mindset and a lot of help from the unknown. Don’t forget to say thank you for every little improvement along the way. 

Here’s how to improve your money energy:

  1. Clear your mind
    Accept the situation as it is. You can’t see anything clearly through a wall of fear, anxiety, or desperation. Give your money problems over to unseen forces for a while. You’ll still need to take clear steps, but you can’t do that until you’re in a calm, centered place. 
  1. Hand your worries over to the unknown
    There’s more help than we can possibly realize. And we know so much more than we think we do. When you hand over your worries, you tap into the unconscious flow. Sometimes a mantra helps. Every time your fears surface, replace the negative thoughts with something like It’s natural for me to receive help or I’ve always been lucky. Find the phrase that feels right and repeat it often. It will immerse you in a positive mindset. 
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash
  1. Take steps toward a better situation
    Take any action that improves your situation like applying for a job, saving even a few dollars, or helping someone else as a reminder that support flows in all directions. A clear mind gives you more room to act. Notice any negative thoughts or impulses that come up like overspending, hoarding, or anxiously checking account balances. Reject them, repeat your mantra, and keep moving forward. 
  1. Don’t give up
    Stay at it. Changing your money energy over time can radically improve how you feel. You may or may not get rich, but you’ll have so much more than ever before including a mindset that helps you recognize true abundance. 
  1. Be grateful
    Every time you receive money, positivity, or support, say thanks. It keeps the abundant flow coming to you and helps you recognize how the unknown provides. 

Once you improve your money energy, your life takes a different shape. Decisions become more clear and money will come in because you can appreciate it. Instead of grasping for more, you’ll appreciate what you have, and have the presence of mind to know what actions to take to stay in a positive money energy mindset.