How To Manifest What You Want

It sounds counterintuitive but to manifest what you want, you need to let go. When you focus on what you want, you inevitably put your attention on what you don’t want because you’re trying to fix it. Once you shift your focus from what’s not working, you free your mind. Creating the opportunity to see fresh ideas, take action, and connect with larger forces in your life. That’s when you stop holding back. That’s when things really change.

It’s a broad misconception to think that manifesting is about control or passivity (both are control methods BTW). Manifesting is about allowing. It requires openness, connection, and trust. When you recognize your inability to achieve what you’re hoping for and that you need help, manifesting has power. That’s when you connect with a higher being or belief and let your mind open up to new possibilities. Stop thinking about what you want and set it down for a while. That’s when the beauty happens. 

Sometimes it’s not manifesting that you need, but transformation.
Read Why is Personal Transformation Important?

A four-step manifestation process

  • Step One: Allow for what you want to find you

Whether you want money, love, a new job, home, or anything else, the first step is to accept that there are unseen forces at work. You’ll have to take action, but you can’t muscle your way into what you want. Accept the unknown, embrace it, and let it work for you. That’s when energy shifts and manifestation begins. Now that you’ve accepted that some parts of life are beyond your control, you have room for what comes next. That’s when you take responsibility. 

  • Step Two: Imagine how you’ll feel when you have it

Visualize your life with everything you want. Don’t think it, feel it as if it were completely present. Imagine walking into the new home or job, talking to the partner you’ve been hoping for, the freedom of having a flush bank account, or whatever it is you’re manifesting. As you feel it, you raise your vibration. That’s transformation. Transformation is the foundation for manifestation. Every time you catch yourself longing for what’s missing, feel as if you already have it. Thank your guides for working on it for you. Gratitude orients you to receiving as well as giving back–those are high vibes. 

A sunset behind a tree with red lighting. Photo by pixabay on pexels.
  • Step Three: Follow the signs

There’s a significant chance that you’ll need to make some changes to make room for what you’re manifesting. Don’t let this scare you, but also don’t rush into it. It’s hard to see what to do when you’re caught up in the cycle of wanting. As you shift your energy to manifest what you want, pay attention to what comes your way. There may be answers to questions you couldn’t resolve before or a story, song, image, phrase, or dream that repeats in your life. These are signs and they’re part of your manifestation so listen close and act accordingly. 

  • Step Four: Stay on course

Keep up the process. Whether you manifest something quickly or it takes time, keep going. Don’t fall back into old routines. If you fall back into a controlling mindset, just get back into the opening-up process again. Soon enough, you’ll manifest what you want or something better. 

Knowing how to manifest connects you to forces bigger than yourself

Manifesting what you want raises your vibration and helps you find what’s meant for you. If these steps sound difficult, let them be easy. While you can’t control the results, you can decide what mindset you’ll bring to any situation, the actions you’ll take, and the connection you’ll make. Feel the high vibes of having what you want. Enjoy the power of your guides, ancestors, and unseen forces in the world helping you get there (or somewhere even better).