How To Do A Daily Tarot Card Reading

A daily tarot card reading is a great way to ground your mind, body, and spirit each day. It cleanses your energy and opens communication with your guides before you connect with the world outside. It can be done with one or more cards, all you need is a clear question and a tarot deck.

How to do a daily tarot card reading requires a few key elements but the rest is up to you. Use your intuition to decide what works best. If you aren’t sure, experiment until you find it.

Focused on the short-term

A daily tarot reading is different from a full moon, new moon, or specific issue reading. The focus is shorter-term (one day) and the cards communicate that. While some heavy cards will come up, the impact is typically lighter. 

You’ll need a tarot deck and tarot dictionary

If you don’t already have a tarot deck, choose one that speaks to you. Buy your own tarot card deck here. For help with the meaning of tarot cards, you can find a lot of websites like or Elliot Oracle on YouTube. You can also buy a book if you want to stay in your reading vibe and not go online: best tarot card reading books.

Use your reading as a cleansing ritual

I do a daily tarot card reading every morning. It’s a time to check in with my guides, ancestors, and spirit. I think of it as a cleansing ritual to start my day fresh and connected to the world beyond what’s in front of me. 

I change the spread every now and then, but this three-card spread is one of my favorites because of its depth and connection. 

A three cards tarot reading

  • Find your intention. Have one question for the cards to answer. When the question is clear, the cards will be too. 
  • Meditate to balance your energy. Even two minutes will help clear your mind. Tarot is subtle and reads energy so being calm is helpful.
  • Keep the question in your mind as you shuffle the cards. Ask for guidance from your guides with the highest vibration and protection from any low vibrations.
  • Lay the cards in an even fan so that you can run your hand over the cards as you pull them one by one. I feel the heat or pull toward certain cards, but do what feels right to you.
  • Pull three cards. Card one is the major theme or issue. This is the context for the entire reading. Card two is the message specific to you. Card three is who is with you, or supporting you in this situation. Once you have all three cards, pay attention to the meaning of each card as well as the relationship among them. Tarot answers are not future telling, but guidance. 
  • Thank the cards and your guides. Then put your deck back in its storage space, which should be a space that has good energy and is tucked away from any chaos. A box, cloth bag, or drawer is often a good choice. 

My morning reading

I drew these three cards one morning: X Pentacles, The Hanged Man, X Wands

My question was, what’s coming up for me today?

The theme was abundance, even an excess of it. Pentacles is the house of resources and materials so this was about practical abundance but also includes community and people as the image in the card shows. This was the theme so it was the main issue coming up for me that day. I was working on a major work project so this wasn’t a surprise to me, but it did give me confidence that the project had potential. 

Card two was The Hanged Man. As the message, it conveyed the need to wait and be patient. It wasn’t the time to make any sudden moves or major decisions.

Card three, X Wands, is the card of hard work that’s nearly finished. 

This spread told me to work hard at the project, dive into the details and stay at it because it would pay off later. It was exactly what I needed to hear that day. 

A one card reading

A one card spread is also a great way to start your day. It’s also a great way to learn the tarot.

  • 1. Find your intention. Have one question for the cards to answer. When the question is clear, the cards will be too. 
  • 2. Meditate to balance your energy. Even two minutes will help clear your mind. Tarot is subtle and reads energy so being calm is helpful.
  • 3. Keep the question in your mind as you shuffle the cards. Ask for guidance from your guides with the highest vibration and protection from any low vibrations.
  • 4. Lay the cards in an even fan so that you can run your hand over the cards as you pull them one by one. I feel the heat or pull toward certain cards, but do what feels right to you.
  • 5. Pull one card.

The card may not make sense until the end of the day, but look back on it and you’ll probably find meaning. A single tarot card reading is a great way to learn tarot cards and your personal meaning when you’re a beginner.

Daily tarot readings are everyday wisdom and help you learn tarot

As you continue to do daily tarot card readings, you’ll become more familiar with what works best for you. Adjust the question as you need to and the guidance the cards have to offer will follow.

There are a lot of great tarot books and websites to explain the card meanings. It’s a good idea to use reputable sites and to make sure your tarot reader resonates with you. While the card meanings are the same no matter who reads them, intuition is a significant part of tarot. Rely on your own and also know that tarot readers are using theirs too. You’ll see differences among readers and that’s part of the beauty of tarot.