A woman holding tarot cards. Photo by rodnae productions on Pexels.

How to Use Tarot Cards To Interpret Your Dreams

Interpreting dreams can be confusing. Tarot cards are one way to find more clarity. 

Always start with a grounded memory of your dream. Think through where you were, what was happening, who was there, and how you felt. If you have a hard time remembering your dream, writing it out can help. 

Once you have the dream in mind, clarify the question you want to ask. The cards can only be as clear as you are, so make the question easy to answer. Something like: What is this dream telling me or who is the person in the dream? The more specific your question is, the more specific your answer will be.

Direct your question to someone/something that can answer you from a trusted source. Your spirit guides or higher power are good options.

A six card tarot spread to interpret your dreams

  • Card 1: The main issue 
  • Card 2: Me in the dream
  • Card 3. Other people in the dream
  • Card 4. Emotional significance of the dream
  • Card 5. Best action to take from the dream
  • Card 6. Overall message the dream is telling me

Meditate before you start so you’re calm and grounded. Shuffle the cards with your overall questions in mind. Fan the cards out and pick them in order of your spread. Read the cards individually and as a larger story for your answer. Say thank you and release your guides.

A step-by-step guide to using tarot cards to interpret your dreams

  • Recall the dream. Writing it out can help. 
  • Ask clear questions. These can be about people, place, specific aspects of the dream, best approaches to understand the dream, and anything else you can think of as long as the question is clear.
  • Decide who you’re asking. Your spirit guides or higher power are good options.
  • Create the spread. You can create your own or use a three-card spread: card one answers the overall meaning, card two answers the emotional significance, and card three answers the best action to take. 
  • Meditate before you start so you’re calm and grounded.
  • Shuffle the cards with your overall question in mind. Fan the cards out and pick them in order of your spread.
  • Read the cards individually and as a larger story for your answer.
  • Say thank you and release your guides.

Dreams are an incredible source of information. They show you what’s on your mind before your ego pushes it aside.