Black and white image with a raised hand in a mirror. Photo by emre-can-acer on pexels.

Does Manifesting Work?

The power of manifestation is real. It works best when you know what you want, visualize it, embody how you’ll feel once you have it, and then let it go. 

Spend some time on your vision each day and take actions toward it from a heart-centered place, not your head so that you allow for it to come to you. Stay open to something better to appear too. Now that you’ve let go, something even more aligned could emerge.

Almost everyone has a story about asking for what they want and getting it. But most people have noticed it doesn’t always work quickly. There are a few reasons for that.

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Three reasons why manifesting works but takes time

  • What you’re trying to manifest is a big change
    When you’re manifesting a major change from where you are now, it’s going to take time. Dream big, but don’t forget that big visions have a lot of moving parts. Manifesting does work, but for the really big asks you’ll need to stay the course. Move toward the reality you want. Some people say that for every step you take, the universe will take ten. Give your manifesting a nudge by taking those steps. 
  • You’re asking for the wrong thing
    Sometimes people start their manifesting work from a place of fear or ego. That obscures the big picture of what’s best for you. The delay is kind of like the universe checking in to say, Are you sure about that? I have a better idea if you’re interested. Change often looks different than we expect. Adjust your manifestation to a wider scope. Instead of a specific job title, ask for a job that aligns with your vision and matches your income range. 
  • You’re fighting the energy
    While it’s true that you have to let go to manifest change, it doesn’t mean that you do nothing. You’ll get signs to help you work toward your vision. Follow them. 


As with all manifesting, stay grounded and take care of yourself. You don’t have to take extreme actions like quitting a job or relationship to activate what you’re manifesting. What’s important is visualizing what you want. Feel it like you already have it and then let the universe work on your behalf. Follow the nudges along the way and soon enough you’ll know that manifesting works for yourself.