BioDynamic Breathwork Made Me Angry But It Helped

I was with friends in Tulum for the first time and dabbling in all the wellness classes it had to offer. BioDynamic Breathwork was on the chalkboard list of classes in the hotel lobby that day. I imagined a relaxing hour of something like yoga and meditation and figured why not.

There were about twenty of us in the class. As I settled into my yoga mat, the instructor explained the series of breathing exercises we’d be doing while I half-listened. I’d been meditating for years and didn’t think it could be that different. She wrapped up quickly and jumped right in. Looking back, that was my first signal it wasn’t a class like any other. Most instructors spend a lot of time explaining the work before starting.

My experience with biodynamic breathwork

The music began as I laid back on my mat. The instructor weaved through the class telling us to breathe deep into our chests. At first I was calm then she sped the rhythm up. Had I done a simple search, I would have known this rhythmic breathing was at the heart of Biodynamic Breathwork. But I was on vacation from my phone too so I was learning in the moment. She sped our breathing up and down and within minutes I was in another place.

Talking with my friends after, each of us had a strong response. We had very different reactions, but they were all intense.

Everyone I talked to had a lot of feelings come up

One friend felt so much sadness she couldn’t stop crying. Another felt a deep numbness in her chest that she recognized as trauma. I was filled with anger familiar from earlier in my life but that I hadn’t felt in a long time. 

As she sped up our breathing in the class, I struggled to keep up. I had to stop thinking and just breathe. At first, I felt a release, like my rational mind finally let go. Then my anger rushed to the surface. It happened so fast that I couldn’t stop it even in this group of strangers. 

Old trauma surfaced but I wasn’t triggered

I knew the feeling. It had been with me since childhood but I’d learned to push it away long ago. I was nervous it was too much to handle but the breathing kept me focused, which also kept me from explaining it. I just felt it. There was so much freedom in feeling so deeply without having to do anything about it.  

It was like a condensed therapy session

When it ended, it was like I finished a major therapy breakthrough or an intense workout. I was invigorated and open. Although my anger had blown up, it hadn’t taken over. My friends were similar. But none of us wanted it to end. The feelings were unpleasant but for whatever reason, we felt completely safe. The release was incredible. 

I had no idea I was holding onto that much anger and to what extent I’d normalized it. I felt like I’d found a part of myself again. I’d rather know myself completely than ignore a part of me. Biodynamic Breathwork gave me that in less than an hour.

If you ever get the chance to do Biodynamic Breathwork, do it. It’s amazing.