A female's eyes with her hands around them and three concentric green rings.

Attract Better Clients

Everything is energy. Business owners, clients, and even a business. Yes, a business has its own energy too. And it can attract better clients. Business owners may not always be the best at separating themselves from it (hi 👋 late-night hours and founder’s syndrome) but they can work with their business’s energy independently and attract better clients. 

Clients can absorb a lot of energy, especially when they aren’t the right ones. It’s easy to spot the difference when the relationship flows and so does the money.

A good client gives you energy instead of draining it

When you have a client that takes all your energy, it depletes your day and takes you away from clients who leave you energized. It’s hard to say no to clients. Business is business. Everyone has been there. But if you work with clients that raise your vibration, you’re better for all your clients and everyone else in your life (and yourself).

Connecting with the energy of your business directly gives you more power for your business

There’s a lot written about the importance of your energy in your business with books like The Happiness Advantage and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. But there’s not a lot out there about the business itself and how it attracts (or stops) clients from finding you. Anyone can tap into their business and its energy. Business owners and clients do it all the time with their natural intuition. But what happens when you’re stuck and it feels like there’s something in the way but you don’t know what to do about it?

How to connect with the energy of your business

  • Free write. Get a journal and actually channel your business. Ask it to tell you what it needs, what’s going well, what can improve, if it likes the clients it has now, and if it would like better clients. Work with the answers you get back and then shift the energy by working with it.
  • Meditate on your business and see it with fresh eyes.
  • Pull a tarot or oracle card to tell you what your business needs to attract better clients.
  • Work with a business energy specialist who will tap into your business for you.

Working with a business energy specialist

I wasn’t familiar with business energy specialists until I met Mollie Billings at the Energy Shift Program. She holds one-on-one or group calls with business owners to identify what’s blocking the energy and clears the path to attract better clients and profit.

When I joined Mollie’s group, there were twelve other businesses participating in an eight-week program. It went like this. 

Each week started with a check-in. Everyone reported what changed in their business from week to week. Then they brought up the challenges. Mollie wrote each of these down as categories for healing/clearing. 

A glass reflecting the sky that is obscured in the background to symbolize a glass half full in attracting better clients for business.

That’s when the energy clearing started. First, she cleared her own energy and then checked in with the businesses. Mollie narrated each step out loud so the group could follow along, but she did all the work. All we had to do was sit back.

As she read items from the list and anything else that came to her mind, she connected with the business to heal the problem and clear any blocks. As she did this, she asked specific questions to the businesses: is it focused, is it ready to be seen, does it like its location, is it able to prioritize tasks, is it open to receiving help, etc.  If the answer was no, she took a breath and cleared the energy by connecting with it, then “lifted it up and moved it away.” Until the business was ready for operation. Sometimes it took a few tries before the energy was cleared, which she called sticky energy. 

At the end of the call, every business was cleared.

Participation never dropped off. Everyone experienced significant shifts over the course of eight weeks. There were new leads, new funds, new partners, and new levels of confidence.

If your energy can be raised and everything is energy then business clearing makes sense. 

Find Mollie on Instagram @energy.shift.program or book a group session here.